At the completion of this course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following areas:
1. The role of herbs in midwifery care
2. Dosage and proper and safe applications of herbal therapies
3. Herbal properties and the body’s responses to herbs
4. Methods of application
5. Identifying herbs
6. Basic structure of leaves, flowers, roots
7. Latin botanical name and family identification
8. Taking herb walks to identify herbs
9. Obtaining, harvesting and storing herbs
10. Growing an herb garden
11. Using herbs with caution
12. Study of herbs for pregnancy and childbirth
13. The midwife’s herbal birth bag
14. Making herbal preparations
15. Research of 30 herbs
Midwives College of Utah. (2021). BOTNY 1010- Herbology for Midwives Syllabus.